Find a Cosmetic Specialist in the ACT

Your body has internal and external needs, and both are important to maintain balance and good health. We know you don’t need a lecture when it comes to taking care of your body – eat a balanced diet, move your body, and stay hydrated.

But, as much as we look after ourselves on the inside, we need to look after ourselves on the outside. As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce youth-promoting compounds like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. A decrease in the levels of these compounds can cause a loss of the natural appearance of the face, specifically affecting the volume, softness, and elasticity.

Thankfully, there are lots of treatments and procedures that can restore this youthful nature to our skin — ranging from cosmetic injectables to laser treatments and other non-invasive procedures.

Cosmetic Injectables ACT

Cosmetic Injectables ACT

Laser Therapy ACT

Laser Treatment ACT

Other Cosmetic Treatments ACT

Other Cosmetic Treatments ACT

Cosmetic Injectables ACT

Cosmetic injectables is science’s answer to our skin’s beauty needs. Injectables can provide many benefits, from promoting youthfulness and rejuvenation in the face, to restoring the skin’s healthy texture, and even eliminating excessive fat. Gain the youthful look you’re after without painful and costly surgery.

Explore our cosmetic injectables directory for the ACT to find a local skin therapist near you.

Anti Wrinkle Injections ACT

Anti-Wrinkle Injections ACT

Wrinkles and fine lines are an inevitable part of the aging process, and we’re all going to see them sooner or later. But it doesn’t make it any more desirable! Anti-wrinkle injections are designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other age-induced lines like crow’s feet and smile lines. They work by relaxing the muscles around these lines, resulting in a smoother, younger-looking face.

Dermal Fillers ACT

The aging effect in collagen can impact your skin’s appearance by reducing the volume and plumpness from around the face and neck. Dermal fillers counter this effect by returning the look of fullness to your face, helping you look years younger. The fillers can also help buff out any wrinkles and fine lines that might be present.

Lip Fillers ACT

Dermal lip fillers are used to  increase the volume of your lips. This treatment gives you fuller and more prominent lips, which (when done right) helps to compliment the beautiful features of your face. The treatment is non-invasive and non-surgical. These treatments are very quick and have no downtime. You can get back to your daily routine as soon as you’re done.

Double Chin Injections ACT

Double Chin Injections ACT

Chin fat can be embarrassing and unwanted at any age, and people to great lengths to hide it. No matter how many diets you try, or how much you exercise, sometimes it just never seems to go away. The good news is there is a faster, non-invasive, and relatively pain-free way to get rid of your double chin. With these injectables, your chin fat is dissolved for good.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) ACT

Hyperhidrosis is a relatively common condition, affecting up to 5% of people. If you suffer from excessive sweating, you often have to endure the discomfort of areas such as underarm, chest and hands. Anti-wrinkle injections are very effective against hyperhidrosis. They work by inactivating the sweat glands responsible for the excessive sweating. Gain your confidence back with these simple, non-invasive treatments.

Skin and Micro Needling ACT

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) ACT

PRP treatments are based on the latest findings in scientific research. Also known as Vampire Facials, they are becoming a popular facial beauty procedure. During the treatment, platelets are extracted from your body and injected into areas of concern in your face. This gives you a long-lasting, smooth and fresh skin. PRP is also very useful in encouraging hair growth from existing hair follicles.

Skin and Micro Needling ACT

Skin and Micro Needling is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), and is a procedure designed to promote your skin’s smoothness, rejuvenation, and overall improved health. CIT works by stimulating the production of collagen in the body. The treatment is also effective in reducing wrinkles and other fine lines, as well as stretch marks.

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Laser Treatment ACT

Laser treatments are one of the most effective, non-surgical, and non-invasive ways to take care of your skin’s needs. They address a wide range of beauty concerns, from hair removal and skin resurfacing, to reducing those embarrassing vein formations for smoother looking skin.

Explore our laser treatment for local therapists throughout the ACT near you today.

Laser Hair Removal ACT

Laser Hair Removal ACT

We tend to go to great lengths to remove unwanted hair from certain areas of our body. Shaving and waxing are both popular methods of hair removal, but it isn’t long before that unwanted hair grows back again. Laser hair removal is very thorough, and is capable of removing hair from most areas of your body, leaving you confident with baby-smooth skin.

Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment ACT

When not protected properly, exposure to the sun can have a damaging effect on our skin. It can affect the texture, tone, and pigmentation of the skin. Fortunately, the use of skin resurfacing laser treatments can help reverse these effects by prompting deep layers of the skin to produce collagen. The treatment also promotes reduction in skin wrinkles and pigmentation.

Pigmentation Removal ACT

Pigmentation Removal Laser Treatment ACT

Laser treatments are very effective in reducing freckles, hyperpigmentation, as well as age spots and sunspots on the skin. These inconsistencies are often caused by exposure to the sun’s UV rays, and fortunately, pigmentation removal treatments can help resolve them. The laser breaks down areas of hyperpigmentation, resulting in smooth and more consistent skin tone.

Vascular Laser Treatment ACT

Spider veins and reticular veins can be embarrassing and unflattering. It’s no surprise to see people trying to hide them. Vascular laser treatments are designed to treat vein discolorations. During the procedure, the heat from the laser stimulates the collagen in the walls of the blood vessels. The clots causing the spider veins are ultimately destroyed and prevented from forming again.

Interested in listing your business with Local Skin Therapies?

If you’d like to join the growing group of cosmetic businesses in the ACT on Local Skin Therapies, submit or claim your listing now

Other Cosmetic Treatments ACT

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular. And it’s not surprising since they give you all of the benefits with none of the discomfort and downtime typically associated with regular surgical procedures. Removing tattoos, getting rid of unwanted fat, and improving the appearance of your skin have never been easier.

Explore our cosmetics treatment directory today for a range of procedure types and therapists near you.

Laser Tattoo Removal ACT

Chemical Peel Treatments ACT

Chemical peels can improve your overall skin health, from the texture and tone to the softness and elasticity. There are several types of peels available, each with its own purpose to help improve the appearance of your skin. They are an effective way for treating facial acne, reducing the scarring from acne, wrinkles, fine lines, and skin hyperpigmentation.

Laser Tattoo Removal ACT

Laser tattoo removal is a convenient and non-invasive way to fade or remove your unwanted tattoos completely. During the treatment, the laser works to break down the ink in the tattoo into small fragments. These fragments are then absorbed and removed from the body by the immune system.

Teeth Whitening ACT

Fat Freezing ACT

Fat freezing is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment that works by freezing stubborn fat, making it easy for the body to eliminate. Fat freezing is a very powerful treatment because it doesn’t require any needles, surgery, and it has zero downtime. Remove unwanted fat from arms, thighs, legs and stomach.

Teeth Whitening ACT

Your teeth and smile are an essential part of your confidence, and says a lot about you. Even though some lifestyle factors may have resulted in the yellowing of your teeth, teeth whitening treatments offer a great solution without impacting your lifestyle.

Find a Cosmetic Specialist in the ACT