Find a Cosmetic Specialist in WA

Caring for our bodies requires a focus on our internal and external needs. To look after ourselves on the inside, we should be focusing on a healthy lifestyle – nourishing foods, healthy habits, and moderate exercise. But, whilst we’re feeling great on the inside, our external needs should be addressed too. The health of our skin is a great reflection of how we really feel on the inside.

Looking after our skin becomes even more important as we age. Over time, our bodies start to lose the ability to produce compounds like elastin, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. These compounds are responsible for keeping the skin tissue elastic, soft, smooth, and youthful-looking. Without it, wrinkles and fine lines begin to develop.

The good news is, we can still regain our skin’s youthful and energetic glow, all thanks to advanced cosmetic treatments such as injectables, laser treatments, and other non-invasive procedures.

Cosmetic Injectables WA

Cosmetic Injectables WA

Laser Treatment WA

Laser Treatment WA

Other Cosmetic Treatments WA

Other Cosmetic Treatments WA

Cosmetic Injectables Western Australia

Cosmetic Injectable treatments are non-surgical and give you effective rejuvenating functions such as promoting even skin tone and collagen production. If you’re searching for smoother and younger-looking skin, cosmetic injectables are a great alternative for long-lasting results.

Explore our directory today if you’re looking for Cosmetic Injectable treatments in Western Australia.

Anti Wrinkle Injections WA

Anti-Wrinkle Injections Western Australia

Wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet are completely normal and a common sign of aging. They symbolize a life well-lived. But, as much as they show off our character, wrinkles don’t have to stay there for good. Anti-wrinkle injections are designed to reduce the visibility of these lines. They relax the muscles around the treated area, resulting in a more even and smoother-looking skin.

Dermal Fillers Western Australia

Another effect of the aging process is a decrease in collagen. This creates a loss of volume and fullness around our face and neck. Dermal fillers are a non-invasive treatment used to counter this loss. It works by adding volume back to targeted areas across the face, neck, and chest.  Give yourself the gift of restoring your youthful and radiant appearance.

Lip Fillers Western Australia

Have you noticed the fullness of your lips diminish over time? Wanting to bring that sexy pout back? When administered correctly by a professional, dermal lip fillers help to add volume back to the lips. The area around the lips become better defined, giving you a beautiful, natural definition. Lip fillers are non-surgical and have zero downtime so you can get on with your day.

Double Chin Injections WA

Double Chin Injections Western Australia

Nobody likes having a double chin, and we often go to great lengths to get rid of them. We diet and exercise, but unfortunately that pesky chin just seems to persist. Fortunately, double chin injections are a safe and effective way of removing stubborn chin fat. They work by dissolving the fat cells in the chin and neck which is then eliminated by the body. You’re left with a beautifully defined jawline.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) Western Australia

Excessive sweating is a commonly overlooked condition, but is actually quite treatable. With as many as 1 in 20 people suffering from hyperhidrosis, there’s no need to put up with feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed. Treating excessive sweating is quite simple for most people. Anti wrinkle injections are used to inactive the sweat gland, and keep you dry and fresh for up to 9 months.

Skin and Micro Needling WA

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Western Australia

Also known as Vampire facials, PRP treatments are used to restore and rejuvenate the skin on the face and neck. During the treatment, platelets from other areas of your body are injected into areas of concern around the face. This promotes tissue healing, and helps give you youthful-looking and evenly-toned skin. PRP treatments can also be used to treat hair loss by enhancing growth in existing follicles.

Skin and Micro Needling Western Australia

Skin Micro needling is a procedure that’s also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). It works by stimulating production of collagen in the skin, helping to give you a more youthful and fresh look. The treatment is very effective for reducing fine lines, stretch marks, and scarring from acne. The procedure is minimally invasive, and it has minimal downtime. You will be up on your feet in no time.

Interested in listing your Cosmetics Injectable business with Local Skin Therapies?

If you’d like to join the growing group of cosmetic injectable businesses in Western Australia on Local Skin Therapies, submit or claim your listing now

Laser Treatment Western Australia

Lasers are a revolutionary technology that have been harnessed to provide beauty treatments that are effective for everything from skin toning and de-pigmentation, to tattoo and hair removal. Rejuvenating your skin, and restoring your natural look has never been easier.

Are you looking for a Laser Treatment specialist? Local Skin Therapies is Western Australia’s largest laser therapist directory. Find a local skin therapist near you.

Laser Hair Removal WA

Laser Hair Removal Western Australia

Why wax and shave every other day when there’s a much simpler and longer lasting treatment? Depending on your skin type and condition, laser hair removal is quick, effective, and pain free. It involves a series of laser treatments, with long lasting results. Say goodbye to unsightly razor bumps and the stinging of wax strips. Enjoy hair-free skin all year round.

Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment Western Australia

The impact of aging and excessive exposure to the sun makes skin resurfacing treatments more than just a beauty session. The treatment works to heat deep layers of skin, promoting collagen to be produced. The heating also stimulates the skin tissue, helping to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and excessive pigmentation. Its other effects include improved skin tone and texture.

Pigmentation Removal WA

Pigmentation Removal Laser Treatment Western Australia

Do you have unwanted freckles, acne scarring, brown spots or age spots on your skin? Laser pigmentation removal treatments use medical-grade equipment to effectively remove areas of pigmentation on the skin without impacting surrounding areas. Spots gradually disappear, leaving you with youthful and even-looking skin tone.

Vascular Laser Treatment Western Australia

Vein conditions like spider veins and telangiectasias can sometimes be unsightly and embarrassing. The good news is there’s a way to help reduce these imperfections and improve your skin tone. During the procedure, the laser heats the walls of the veins, activating collagen and destroying the clots that form the spider veins. The procedure is a safe, effective and fast way to improve your skin tone.

Interested in listing your WA business with Local Skin Therapies?

If you’d like to join the growing group of businesses in WA on Local Skin Therapies, submit or claim your listing now

Other Cosmetic Treatments Western Australia

As time goes on, our age and our lifestyle choices start to make an impact on our body. Our teeth are starting to discolour, stubborn areas of fat just won’t budge, and our skin tone can become inconsistent. It’s completely natural to go through these changes, but doesn’t mean we don’t deserve a rejuvenated look. Using a trained consultant, non-surgical cosmetic treatments are a great alternative to getting you looking and feeling your best again.

Our Western Australian skin therapist directory can help you find a cosmetic therapist near you.

Laser Tattoo Removal WA

Chemical Peel Treatments Western Australia

Chemical peels are also called medi-aesthetic peels. They are very effective at reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet across the face and neck. They are also used to treat acne scarring, as well as reverse the effects of sun damage and increased pigmentation on the skin.

Laser Tattoo Removal Western Australia

Get rid of your unwanted tattoos with relative ease. During a laser tattoo removal treatment, the pulses of laser light heat up and break down the ink in the tattoo. Cells of the body’s defence system then engulfs the ink particles, and they are subsequently eliminated from the body for good.

Teeth Whitening WA

Fat Freezing Western Australia

Fat freezing is a safe and non-invasive way to get rid of unwanted fat from specific areas of your body. The procedure freezes the fat, which then allows it to be eliminated by the body. Help sculpt your body and redefine your figure. The best part is that the procedure has minimal downtime.

Teeth Whitening Western Australia

Are you looking for whiter, brighter teeth? Professional teeth whitening can help with stained or discolored teeth. Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular and is a non-invasive way to improve the shade of white back to your teeth. Bring back your gorgeous smile, and improve your self-confidence in no time

Find a Cosmetic Specialist in WA