Find a Cosmetic Specialist in QLD

Looking after our bodies is something we spend a lot of care and effort doing the older we get. We eat healthy foods, exercise regularly and stay well hydrated. Internally, we know how to nurture and care for ourselves, and our bodies thank us for it.

But when it comes to looking after our skin, sometimes we need a bit of extra help. As we start to age, our bodies change in a way that we start to lose elasticity, softness and volume. As we grow, our cells lose their ability to produce collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin, which are all critical for maintaining skin health.

Taking care of your body becomes increasingly important the older you get. It has also become easier, thanks to many non-surgical cosmetic procedures. With these procedures, your skin’s health can be restored through pain-free injectables, laser treatments, and other evidence-based skin therapies.

Cosmetic Injectables QLD

Cosmetic Injectables QLD

Laser Treatment QLD

Laser Treatment QLD

Other Cosmetic Treatments QLD

Other Cosmetic Treatments QLD

Cosmetic Injectables Queensland

Cosmetic Injectables are based on cutting-edge technology, and they use convenient methods to help restore your skin’s youthful appearance. Cosmetic Injectables can help if you’re looking to enhance your jawline and lips, or you want to reverse the effects of aging like wrinkles and crow’s feet.

Find a local skin therapist near you today. Local Skin Therapies is Queensland’s largest cosmetic injectables directory.

Anti Wrinkle Injections QLD

Anti-Wrinkle Injections Queensland

As we grow older, we naturally experience wrinkles, fine lines and crows’ feet around the face. And as much as they symbolize the wonderful life we’re living, they don’t need to detract from what you see in the mirror. Anti-wrinkle injections help relax the muscles causing fine lines and wrinkles along your face and neck, returning your skin back to its youthful glow.

Dermal Fillers Queensland

Loss of volume and fullness around the face and neck becomes more prominent as we age. A decrease in collagen levels also causes loss of volume and fullness in the skin. Fortunately, dermal fillers can help. They can add much-needed volume to parts of the face and neck, giving you a younger-looking appearance. Help to reduce those pesky wrinkles around the face and neck.

Lip Fillers Queensland

Are you looking to enhance your appearance with fuller-looking lips? If your lips are lacking a little volume, or you’re looking for a bit more definition, then lip fillers are a great non-surgical way to bring back your sexy pout. The treatment is non-invasive, quick and effective. Get straight back into your day with fuller, more gorgeous looking lips.

Double Chin Injections QLD

Double Chin Injections Queensland

Some of us have double chins that just seem to defy the laws of fat loss! They never seem to go away regardless of how much dieting or exercise we do. Fortunately, there’s a quicker and less stressful way to get rid of fat around our chin and necklines. When used correctly, cosmetic injections help to dissolve chin fat quickly and easily. Better yet, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle, this fat doesn’t grow back!

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) Queensland

Excessive sweating of the underarms can be embarrassing and unpleasant, especially in social scenes. If you suffer from this condition, you’re not alone. Up 1 in every 20 people suffers from hyperhidrosis. The good news is that anti-wrinkle injectable treatments can help resolve excessive sweating. With treatments lasting up to 9 months, they inactivate the sweat glands keeping you dry and confident all day long.

Skin and Micro Needling QLD

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Queensland

Everyone’s looking for the best and latest in non-surgical cosmetic treatments. PRP has revolutionised the way cosmetic treatments work. Also known as vampire facials, platelets are extracted from the bloodstream and injected into areas of concern in the face. This treatment provides you with a smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking face. PRP  can also treat hair loss by promoting hair growth in follicles.

Skin and Micro Needling Queensland

Skin micro needling is a procedure that’s designed to help rejuvenate your skin. The procedure promotes the production of collagen, which plays a crucial role in keeping your face looking plump and smooth. The collagen also helps to reduce wrinkles and stretch marks. The micro needling procedure is quick and has minimal downtime after treatment.

Interested in listing your Queensland Cosmetics Injectable business with Local Skin Therapies?

If you’d like to join the growing group of cosmetic injectable businesses in your Queensland on Local Skin Therapies, submit or claim your listing now

Laser Treatment Queensland

Laser treatments are becoming more sophisticated and popular when it comes to looking after our skin. They provide a non-invasive and non-surgical way to address a wide range of beauty needs. If you’re looking for more youthful looking skin, consistent skin tone and texture then there are a variety of laser treatment types that can help you achieve this.

Explore what laser treatments are available in Queensland and find a local therapist near you.

Laser Hair Removal QLD

Laser Hair Removal Queensland

Constant shaving and waxing can become mundane. The results are short, and require consistent trips to the salon to keep up with your hair’s growth rate. Save yourself precious time and money with laser hair removal. When done properly by a trained professional, the procedure is effective and the effects are long-lasting. Feel smoother and hair-free all year round.

Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment Queensland

It’s fairly common that as we age, we start to develop uneven texture and increased pigmentation in the skin. Especially if we’ve enjoyed a lot of time in the sun. Skin resurfacing laser treatments heat deep skin layers, promoting collagen generation as well as wrinkle and pigment reduction. The effects of the treatment last long after the session is over, so you can enjoy long-lasting skin health.

Pigmentation Removal QLD

Pigmentation Removal Laser Treatment Queensland

Pigmentation (or darker patches of the skin) can start to appear on our skin when we experience hormonal changes, or continuous exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays. This can show up as freckles, sun spots or melasma. Pigmentation removal laser treatments help to break down these spots, leaving you with a more even-looking skin tone.

Vascular Laser Treatment Queensland

Vascular laser treatments are used to address veins that show through on the skin. Spider veins, reticular veins, and telangiectasias all fall under this category. During the procedure, the laser heats the walls of the veins and stimulates the collagen. The clots causing the formation are then destroyed, allowing the appearance of veins to clear up.

Interested in listing your QLD business with Local Skin Therapies?

If you’d like to join the growing group of local skin therapy businesses in Queensland being found online, submit or claim your listing now

Other Cosmetic Treatments Queensland

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments are becoming popular as a painless and convenient alternative to surgery and other beauty procedures out there. With the right consultant and equipment, you can get that beautiful cosmetic look you’ve been searching for.

As the largest cosmetics treatment directory in Queensland, let us help you find a range of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in your local area.

Laser Tattoo Removal QLD

Chemical Peel Treatments Queensland

Chemical peel treatments provide you with softer, smoother and flawless-looking skin. They provide long-lasting results to help reduce those annoying wrinkles and fine lines that appear on the skin. Medi-aesthetic peels are also a great way to treat acne scarring, and refine the texture of your skin caused by sun damage and pigmentation.

Laser Tattoo Removal Queensland

Have you found yourself in a situation where you don’t want your tattoo anymore? Never fear! There is a way to remove unwanted tattoos using a series of laser tattoo removal treatments. Done correctly by a professional, these procedures work by breaking down the ink in the tattoo, making it absorbable and easy to eliminate by the body.

Teeth Whitening QLD

Fat Freezing Queensland

Fat freezing is a revolutionary new technology that helps to remove unwanted stubborn fat from certain parts of the body, including tummy, hips and thighs. The procedure works to freeze the targeted fat, making it easy to be eliminated by the body. The best part is that the procedure requires no surgery, no supplements, and it has limited downtime.

Teeth Whitening Queensland

We all have some lifestyle factors that can create discoloration of our teeth. Even with regular brushing, this discolouration just won’t go away. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening treatments can fix this quickly and easily. Restore your teeth back to their pearly white colour and flaunt that confident smile you deserve.

Find a Cosmetic Specialist in QLD